What is a good choice for contraception?
Contraception literally means preventing fertilisation. In other words, it prevents pregnancy. Many women first think of the pill when they think of contraception. But there are different types of contraceptive pills available and what is a good choice then? A distinction is made, for instance, between the combined pill with or without a stop week, or the pill without oestrogen.
What types of contraception are there?
In the Netherlands, many methods of contraception are available in a form other than the pill and all with different practical characteristics. For instance, there is the weekly or monthly method or long-term contraception with an implant or an IUD that is inserted by the doctor. Making the right ‘choice of contraception’ is therefore of great importance. The Contraception leaflet gives an overview of various methods of contraception and their main characteristics.
For more information, see the page Which contraception is best for me?
Reimbursement of contraception?
Since 1 January 2011, contraception is no longer included in the basic health insurance. However, women up to 21 years of age will be reimbursed for contraception (with the exception of condoms). Depending on the brand, an additional payment may be due. For women aged 21 and over, it may be possible for contraception to be (partly) reimbursed under supplementary insurance.
Please contact your own health insurance company or consult www.zorgwijzer.nl/vergoeding/anticonceptie.
Schedule an appointment
We can be reached by telephone from Mondays – Thursdays 8:15 am – 16:15 pm and on Fridays from 8:15 am – 12:15 pm.
Or ask your question via
Personal consultation
Even if there is no termination of pregnancy, a woman can come to us for tailored contraception advice. In a personal consultation with the woman, we look at which form of contraception best suits her individual circumstances, age and personal preference.
Make an appointment for a personal contraception consultation and get a no-obligation quote.
Click here for more information: Which contraception is best for me?